My initial reactions to hearing the cheating news were:
- Of all the teams/coaches in the league, no surprise to me that it was Bill Belichick
- Amazed to hear that someone would be so forward in doing so
Okay, so I don't like Bill Belichick, but him aside why weren't the Patriots forced to forfeit their game? Why is football (more importantly sports) any different than everyday life?
Caught cheating on a test - FAIL!
Stealing from you company - FIRED! (probably JAIL TIME)
Cheating during a game - WRITE A CHECK?!? (oh and you lose a draft pick)
Does the integrity of a sport have a price tag? If so, then isn't that saying that if people financially pay that specific price they are exempt from rules and regulations?
The even bigger annoyance is people's willingness to make excuses or accept this behavior. The first lessons we teach children as they play sports is that "winning isn't everything", "cheaters never win", etc. But when discussing the same sports at different levels (high school, college, and professional), many people's "values" change. For Americans winning is becoming "everything" and the "playing of the game" is becoming meaningless.
Sports are trivial activities, but serve great value to many. There is no reason we shouldn't hold people to the same standards in sports as we do in the rest of life. In fact, I would argue that since sports are trivial, they should be held to even higher standards because ultimately it doesn't matter. As a whole, we all need to keep sportsmanship at the forefront of sports and expect it and promote it instead of ignoring it and pushing it aside.